Hair Direction
Many clients like to choose a hair direction similar to their own before experiencing hair loss. Alternatively, you may like to opt for a hair direction which best suits your current hairstyle requirements. For example, If you always brush your hair in a particular style, i.e. left parting, then you would be advised to choose 'Left Parting' because the hair will naturally fall into this shape making it easier for you to manage. However, if you prefer to experiment with different styles then the 'Free Style' option will best suit your needs. The hair on a freestyle unit can be styled in any direction, giving you the option to part your hair anywhere, brush it forward or straight back.

– Freestyle (most popular)
– Left Break (without defined parting)
– Right Break (without defined parting)
– Left Parting (with defined parting)
– Right Parting (with defined parting)
– Centre Parting (with defined parting)
– Left Crown
– Right Crown
– Centre Crown
– Brushed forward
– Brushed back